Bringing Morocco to a Midwest Living Room

Decorating a home offers many different possibilities. When you decide to change the decor you already have and substitute it for something else, there are inevitably going to be challenges. Thankfully, there are some tips that can make the transition from one decor to the next easier. One of the most exciting and easiest ways to transform your living room from one decor to the next, is to find themes with common elements. For example, try the tips below to bring some Morocco into your Midwest living room.

Color SchemeWhen you are going from a Midwest theme to a Moroccan decor, there are many similarities in the color palette. Pale peach, pink, purples and tans are instrumental in both decors. This commonality makes it much easier to switch between the two themes and enhance the look of the new Moroccan decor. Figure out which areas of the room can keep the color that they already have and which ones need to be switched or repainted. The more coloring you can keep, especially with wall color and floor covering color, the easier it will be to turn your living room into a brand new area.

PotteryOne great common element that both the Moroccan decor and the Midwest decor have in common is the use of pottery. Pottery, although slightly different in style, unifies the two and allows some transition between the two decors. If you have generic, monochromatic, large pots or vases in your Midwest theme, you will probably be able to use them in the Moroccan theme, as well. Be careful with the colors and any possible designs that may be on the pots. If there are designs or decorations, they should be generic enough that they will look at home in the new decor.

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FabricAnother element that you will want to consider is the fabric that is in the room. While there are many different types of fabric in a Moroccan decor, it is important that there are no traces of the Midwest checks or plaids in the new room. Replace the prints with solid colors in lush fabric textures. Velvets, chiffons and silks are excellent fabrics to start with. Incorporate them into throw pillows, throw blankets and upholstered furniture for a rich and authentic look. Any rough or harsh fabrics from the Midwest theme should be discarded or re-purposed for something else in the house, as they no longer apply to the Moroccan themed room.

Bringing Morocco into a Midwest living room can be a sure challenge. However, by taking time to use the fabrics, colors and accessories that you already own, you can save yourself quite a bit of time and energy. It will also save you money as you reuse the items that have multiple purposes. Turn your living room into a new and spectacular showcase of Moroccan life by making it as authentic as possible. With the right fabrics, accessories and coloring, your room will soon transform into a space that bears little resemblance to its once Midwest theme decor.

By lucille