Your corporation is moving to a bigger facility or your warehouse operation is relocating. While you may have a large amount of inventory to get from one place to the other, if you plan it carefully it will go smoothly. Here are a few tips to help you get going.

Inspect the Facility

Walk through your new location to be sure that things like the cargo lift, conveyors, and garage doors work properly. Check the shelving that the product might be set on top of. Look for stability and the weight limit that they can handle then plan accordingly. Repair any racks that might be broken. Give the area one last deep cleaning before you move your freight in.

Talk With Your Staff

Sit down with your employees and explain the upcoming schedule during the move. Analyze the schedule then explain who will work at which location and the possibility of overtime. Be clear about every change that might occur and relay that to each worker in your department.

Organize Your Current Inventory

Sort through the items in your warehouse and stage them in the order they need to be moved. If you find and outdated products, contact your sales department and ask them to put it on clearance and to notify your customers. If you can sell it before your relocation, it will be less you have to organize to leave.

Manage Your Orders Coming In

As the moving day gets closer, track the deliveries that are planned to come in. You need to have supplies to operate, but what arrives on your dock will have to be taken to the new place. Limit the supplies that are ordered to just the necessities so there is less to transport. You can also make plans for the product to arrive after the move is completed.

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By lucille